Pass, No Fail: Reiji becomes annoyed everyone only visits at mealtimes knowing Mina will feed them for free. Paula stops visiting and begins studying to renew her merchant’s license. Since she must close her shop if she fails she begs Reiji for a potion to make studying easier. Reiji agrees and brews a “Prayer for Success” potion to give Paula a perfect memory for 24 hours. A week later Paula learns she passed her exam and tries to kiss Reiji as thanks, but a jealous Noela stops her. With her success everyone returns to manipulating free food from Mina.
Sun Sun Go Away Sunscreen Gel: Vivi notices a skin blemish so Reiji decides to add sunscreen protection and moisturisers to the Sweetheart Cooling Gel, which Mina is sure would be popular with young ladies and would help with their food bill which has inexplicably become highly expensive. Reiji successfully makes “Sun Sun Go Away Sunscreen Gel” which protects against sunburn and makes the girls skin springy and bouncier which has a severe nosebleed effect on Ejil when he sees Noela’s newly moisturised skin. Word spreads quickly and every female customer Reiji has ever had buys his entire supply.